
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

3,475 Results


Online Hate: Unfriend or Speak Up?

The morning of the 10th anniversary of 9/11, I logged in to Facebook as I do most weekend mornings to see the status updates of 200 or so acquaintances. Many had posted links to news articles and patriotic photos or comments about their memory of that day in 2001. I was not prepared, however, to read a blatantly xenophobic post by someone I had gone to high school with. He called for the extermination of Islam and the strategic bombing of all countries in the Middle East.

At School

Like the workplace, school becomes the first or only place where some students, teachers, counselors, principals and others encounter a diverse and varied society. That presents opportunities for enlightenment — and potential for misunderstanding.
July 21, 2009

Wilkins Elementary School Educators

The dedicated teachers and staff of Wilkins Elementary School in Jackson, Mississippi, include Cheryl Brown, Ammie Stewart, Dona Brown, Twana Freeman-Mallard, Ed.D., Danielle Dixon, Tekita Franklin, Nicole Kelly, Kerri Harrion, Regan Jackson, Linda Porter and Tameka Richardson.