
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

1,467 Results


Toolkit for A Letter to My Teenage Self

Editor’s note: The author of this essay prefers the pronoun they. In a poignant letter to their teenage self, Jey Ehrenhalt—a transgender educator and advocate—recalls jarring and painful experiences of their youth and describes how many schools urgently need to become more welcoming and supportive places for transgender students.

Part I: Creating Your Group

Before You Begin: The Planning Committee Getting the Right Folks and the Right Data to the Table Once you’ve decided to start a social justice reading group, it’s tempting to jump right into conversations with young
October 16, 2019

Student Leadership

Educators and other adults can help students develop their leadership skills in a variety of ways, from preparing students for formal leadership positions to supporting student-driven actions for social justice.
May 26, 2023