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Black Political Thought

Episode 14, Season 4 Black political ideologies in the early 20th century evolved against a backdrop of derogatory stereotypes and racial terrorism. Starting with Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Agency
March 31, 2022
the moment

Student and Educator Mental Health Matter

As we grapple with the impact of violence following shootings in Atlanta and Boulder—and ongoing stressors surrounding the pandemic—it’s important to be mindful of students’ mental health needs and our own. Share resources like the Crisis Text Line with students, some of whom may need immediate support amidst a crisis. And use these webinars to help you respond to trauma, normalize talking about mental health and continue practicing good self-care.

the moment

Black History Month: Honoring the History of Black Civic Engagement

The official theme of Black History Month 2020 is “African Americans and the Vote.” Black changemakers and activists have been fighting for equal rights since before our nation began. This week, we’ll be sharing resources on the history of Black civic engagement and the continuing fight for full equality under the law.