
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

2,648 Results


Iesha Evans

Protesting the death of Alton Sterling and the Baton Rough Police Department’s request for Black Lives Matter demonstrators to clear roadways, Iesha Evans stands in the middle of a street as two Louisiana state troopers, dressed in riot gear, approach to arrest her.
Jonathan Bachman
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
January 30, 2017
the moment

Celebrating Black History Month by Teaching Hard History

Black history is American history—and it should be taught year round. But Black History Month offers a great opportunity to focus attention on the history and contributions of African Americans. This edition of The Moment features a few of our favorite black history resources: the text "Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing" (the "Black National Anthem"), our new materials on effectively teaching about American slavery and our article about one teacher’s commitment to “mining the jewel" of February each year.

the moment

Black History Month: Celebrating African American Literature

This Black History Month, we’re encouraging educators to celebrate the history of Black achievement, joy and creativity. This week, to support that work, we’ll be sharing resources for exploring the rich tradition of African American literature with students in your classroom.