
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

269 Results


Children Welcome Diversity on the Playground

Adults often marvel as they watch children frolic on the playground centers. Children’s interactions appear effortless. There seem to be no barriers, no ego or self-doubt. If you want to play with someone, you simply ask him or her. It looks so uncomplicated. If a child is willing and able to partake in the fun, then there are bad guys to vanquish, princesses to be rescued and treasures to be found. A child’s imagination is the only thing placing limits on the exploration.

Endrew Who?

Yesterday’s U.S. Supreme Court decision could transform the lives of millions of children with disabilities. So why aren’t we talking about it?

Sheri Cash

Cash is dedicated to educating high school students about the many perspectives of American history. Living with a disability, Sheri embraces diversity in South Carolina with her husband, daughter, adopted son, two dogs and two goats!

Rosa’s Law Changed Words—Now Let’s Change the Prejudice

On the rare occasion that I spend time with people who are not educators, it’s inevitable that someone will drop the word “retarded.” The “R-word” has been used colloquially for decades to describe and degrade anyone or anything out of the ordinary, inferior, or somehow slow. I can still hear the snickers from my own classmates back in 10th-grade health class when we read the words “fire retardant” in our textbook.