
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

265 Results

professional development

'The Capacity for Connection'

In this special Q & A, educators Louise Derman-Sparks and Patricia G. Ramsey, authors of the book, What If All the Kids are White?, provide early grades educators with practical ideas on preparing white students for a multicultural world.
Professional Development Topic
June 30, 2017

A Town, a Teacher and a Wartime Tragedy

On the arid flatlands near the small town of Delta, Utah, 140 miles southwest of Salt Lake City, the scorching summer winds whip dust through the dry brush, and winter cold freezes the ground under a blanket of snow. In this forbidding landscape lie remnants of an American tragedy -- an internment camp that housed over 8,000 Japanese Americans behind barbed wire and armed guards during World War II. Named for a barren nearby mountain, the camp became known as Topaz.