
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

391 Results


Policing Our Schools

Last month, 12-year-old Alexa Gonzalez used an erasable marker to scribble on her desk. “I love my friends Abby and Faith,” she wrote, along with, “Lex was here. 2/1/10,” punctuated with a happy face. But neither her Spanish teacher nor the principal at Alexa’s Queens, New York, middle school were amused. They called school security—New York City police officers—who arrested and handcuffed Alexa, and walked her across the street to their precinct, according to the New York Daily News.
the moment

Police Violence in the News

Released video footage of police officers drawing guns on a young black family in Phoenix illustrates the threat of police violence and bias that black Americans live with—regardless of age. These resources can help you affirm that black lives matter, teach the roots of this violence and counter silence on this issue with productive conversations.

the moment

Teaching in the Wake of Police Violence

Yesterday, the police officer who shot Atatiana Jefferson inside her home during a wellness check was charged with murder. But the grief and righteous anger at her killing continue today. How will you talk with your students about injustice, police violence and the fact that black lives matter? Here are a few places to begin.

the moment

Don't Say Nothing: Responding to Police Violence

We are lifting up educators and students of color as we all continue to witness fatal police shootings—this time in Minneapolis, Chicago and Honolulu—and as video circulates of police violence against a Black and Latinx man in Virginia. Please take time to care for yourself as best you can. To all educators, when addressing these acts of violence, make sure you’re aware of students who may be experiencing trauma related to these events. These resources can help you support your students and give them space to grieve.

the moment

Talk About Police Violence With Your New Students

After this weekend, we—like many members of our community—are mourning the police shootings that killed Trayford Pellerin in Louisiana and left Jacob Blake in serious condition in a Wisconsin hospital. We understand how hard it can be to know how to support students in the face of ongoing police violence against Black people in the United States. We hope these resources will help.

A map of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi with overlaid images of key state symbols and of people in community

Learning for Justice in the South

When it comes to investing in racial justice in education, we believe that the South is the best place to start. If you’re an educator, parent or caregiver, or community member living and working in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana or Mississippi, we’ll mail you a free introductory package of our resources when you join our community and subscribe to our magazine.

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