
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


News Consumers' Bill of Rights and Responsibilities

This lesson focuses on PEN America's News Consumers' Bill of Rights and Responsibilities. Students will read the bill of rights, rephrase some of the rights and responsibilities, and rank the rights in order of importance. Finally, students will work together to construct a short dramatic skit that shows the significance of one right of their choosing.
Grade Level
Digital Literacy
Reading & Language Arts
Social Studies
Social Justice Domain
February 12, 2018

Jia-Hui Stefanie Wong

Jia-Hui Stefanie Wong is a visiting lecturer in Educational Studies at Trinity College and a Ph.D. candidate in Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Policy Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is an educational anthropologist whose research explores how educational inequities are produced, reproduced, and challenged in K-12 schools. She is licensed as a secondary social studies teacher and previously worked in after school programming.

The Courage to Teach Hard History

The central role that slavery played in the development of the United States is beyond dispute. Yet, the practices of teaching and learning about this fact remain woefully inadequate. Professor Hasan Kwame Jeffries introduces Teaching Hard History: American Slavery, which can help change that.

Kathy Swan, John Lee and S.G. Grant

Dr. Kathy Swan is a professor of curriculum and instruction at the University of Kentucky. Swan has been a four-time recipient of the National Technology Leadership Award in Social Studies Education, innovating with web-based interactive technology curricula including the Historical Scene Investigation Project and Digital Docs in a Box. She is co-author of the book And Action! Doing Documentaries in the Social Studies Classroom and children’s series Thinking Like A Citizen and co-editor of the book, Teaching the C3 Framework: A Guide to Inquiry Based Instruction in the Social Studies. She is