
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


An Evening With Michelle Alexander

Join Learning for Justice and Michelle Alexander, author of ‘The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness’, to discuss her timely book and suggestions to introduce high school students to topics such as mass incarceration and racial caste.

The 45 Days of Black History

This webinar will prepare educators to use the approximately 45 days between the King holiday and the end of February to engage all students in recognizing and understanding how Black Americans have moved United States and world history forward. Join Learning for Justice as we share practices and strategies for celebrating the contributions of African Americans, whether they are household names or unsung heroes.


Intersectionality has become a buzzword in education, but what does it mean and why is it important in schools? This webinar will help participants understand intersectionality and offer strategies for putting knowledge into practice.

Self-care for the Summer

View this webinar to learn relaxation strategies, planning tips for next year and ways to fill your "compassion tanks" over the break. Join us and give back to yourself! You deserve it.