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Clarice Brazas

Clarice Brazas (she/her) holds an Ed. S. in Instructional Technology from the University of West Georgia. She is in her 13th year of teaching and is always looking for ways to improve her craft. The first three years of her career were spent working with students who had emotional and behavioral needs, which early on gave her the desire to educate students in a holistic and engaging way. Currently, Clarice teaches Humanities at The U School, an open admission, learner-centered school in the School District of Philadelphia. After moving to Philadelphia from Atlanta in 2017, she was introduced
the moment

Another Discriminatory Dress Code

This week, a Texas school district is making news for requiring a student to cut his locs before graduation. We’re heartened by how this student’s family and community are supporting him, but we must ask: How many other celebrations—and bodies—are still being regulated by discriminatory school policies? This is a conversation we should be having with students, colleagues and administrators. These resources can help.