
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

88 Results



Antisemitism was involved in 11 percent of the incidents reported by educators and 18 percent of those reported in the media. In our tracking of news reports, we noticed an uptick in antisemitic incidents toward the end
May 1, 2019

Jill Spain

Jill Spain is a middle school language arts teacher in New Jersey. She has earned a bachelor of arts degree in special education and a master of arts in Holocaust and Genocide Studies. She is the recipient of an Outstanding Lessons Award for a Holocaust lesson for sixth graders, has participated in the “Lest We Forget” study tour to historic Holocaust sites in Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic and is a member of her school’s curriculum council.

Building Bridges Over the Ages With Books

Jeanette Winterson, author and poet, once said, “Books communicate ideas and make bridges between people.” As a middle school language arts teacher, I believed in this theory but wanted to see it in action. When I suggested to my principal that I would like to organize a book club with my students and local senior citizens, he was cautiously intrigued by the idea.

Paragraph 175

The German Reichstag passed the following version of Paragraph 175, which imposed harsher legal restrictions and penalties on sexual activity between men, in 1935. With this law came a dramatic increase in the number of individuals facing prosecution for homosexual activity.
German Reichstag
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
July 2, 2014

Protecting the Future from Genocide

After the Holocaust, Elie Wiesel eloquently stated “never again.” Since he first uttered this compelling sentiment, genocides have erupted across the world—from Guatemala to Cambodia. April was chosen as Genocide Prevention Month since the Holocaust, Rwandan, Bosnian, Armenian and Cambodian genocides are commemorated during this time. The commemoration began in April 2009 and combined genocide remembrance with prevention.

One Survivor Remembers

Please note that this film contains graphic footage of atrocities committed during the Holocaust. We recommend this content for sixth grade and higher. "Here to Tell My Story" (Interview with Gerda Weissmann by Jeff Sapp
November 19, 2018