
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


Melinda Anderson

Melinda D. Anderson is an education writer in Washington, D.C. with special interest in race, class, educational equity and educational justice. She is a founding member of EduColor, an inclusive collective of educators, parents, students, writers and activists that cultivates and promotes diverse voices in the public education conversation and policymaking process. Follow her on Twitter @mdawriter.

Chris Hoeh

Chris Hoeh is a second-grade teacher at Cambridge Friends School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He has developed an academically rigorous, multi-disciplinary, yearlong social studies curriculum that follows the creation of clothing from cotton. Each step in this process is connected to historical and contemporary struggles for social justice. Hoeh has led anti-racist study groups and shares his substantial experience as a mentor to practicing teachers. He is also a recipient of the 2014 Teaching Tolerance Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Barrie Moorman

Barrie Moorman is a high school history teacher at E.L. Haynes Public Charter School in Washington, D.C. She engages her students by taking them out of the classroom and into the community, including a civil rights tour of the South to empower her students through history. Moorman also emphasizes critical thinking and learning through stories. She facilitates Race and Equity in Education Seminars in D.C. She is also a receipient of the 2014 Teaching Tolerance Award for Excellence in Teaching.

On This Day

As an organization committed to justice and equity, the similarities between the Watts Riots and the riots in Ferguson, Missouri following Michael Brown’s death compel us to point out that we do not live in a post-racial world.