
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

502 Results


Race Relations Scope More Than Black, White

Sometimes teaching at my magnet arts school in Alabama, I can imagine the worst days of racism and intolerance are behind us. Most of the roughly 500 students have genuine, deep friendships across racial lines and very rarely do the old racist memes and tropes raise their ugly heads.
professional development

White Anti-Racism: Living the Legacy

What does "white anti-racist" mean? How can guilt get in the way? And what's all this talk about being "colorblind"? Learning for Justice, then Teaching Tolerance, asked community activists to share their thoughts on these questions, and others. Their answers shine light on the concepts of comfort, power, privilege and identity.
Professional Development Topic
Teacher Leadership
July 6, 2009
professional development

Color Blindness

This piece investigates the concept of color blindness and helps teachers recognize the importance of race and ethnicity in students' lives.
Professional Development Topic
April 27, 2011