
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

2,101 Results

the moment

Take Action for Youth Justice

Started by the Campaign for Youth Justice, October is Youth Justice Action Month (YJAM), a time to “raise awareness and inspire action on behalf of young people impacted by our criminal justice system.” These resources explain how the school-to-prison and school-to-deportation pipelines all too often begin in the classroom. And they offer ways educators can interrupt these systems.

the moment

Learning for Justice and the Power of Place

Learning for Justice is a community education program of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) that cultivates and nurtures dialogue, learning, reflection and action from those most proximate to and impacted by injustices in the South. By centering learning to inform action for liberation and justice, LFJ will complement the SPLC’s work to increase power and capacity for multiracial, inclusive democracy.

the moment

Creating a Society Rooted in Justice

Parents and caregivers are at the forefront in efforts to give children the foundation to build future inclusive societies. Nationally recognized anti-racist writer and educator Britt Hawthorne recommends starting early with children to create homes “rooted in justice, compassion and love.” These LFJ resources include recommendations for growing readers and their families that affirm identities, celebrate diversity and highlight justice because, as Hawthorne explains, “When we’re genuinely in and relating to our community, we’ll sense the injustices and justices of the world.”


Resource Pages

LFJ's resource pages offer thematic collections of articles and resources that address a priority topic or celebrate a cultural event or heritage month. This landing page provides links to our resources pages.
June 15, 2023
the moment

Youth Activism and the Movement for Justice

Young people have always met challenges head-on, and contemporary youth activists have an ever-increasing set of issues to address—ongoing systemic racism, economic inequality, gun violence, reproductive and human rights, an accelerating climate crisis and more. The unwavering support of committed adults can help young people in their endeavors to realize their power and promote justice.
To today’s youth activists: We see you, we celebrate you and we encourage your work. You are the agents of change for the future.     

the moment

Confronting Ableism on the Way to Justice

“Listening to the perspectives of those with lived experience is key to understanding that disability is not a problem to solve but part of the total human experience to embrace.” —Keith Jones

So how can we improve disability inclusion in social justice and overcome ableism? Jones explains, “As our movement seeks anti-racist legal reform, access to economic sustainability and employment, quality education, reproductive rights and bodily autonomy, we must include people with disabilities—who cut across all intersecting demographics. And we must be intentional in that inclusion.”