
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

1,467 Results

the moment

Shutting Down Immigration Myths

News right now is dominated by rhetoric that casts immigrants as dangerous and is likely leaving Americans of many identities, including some of your students, feeling fearful and angry. Today, consider using these resources to teach your students about the long legacy of mistrust and discrimination immigrants from many countries have endured and how we can all use our voices to resist myths and misinformation.

the moment

Celebrate National Poetry Month With Maya Angelou

This week, the power of words is illustrated in two celebrations: the beginning of National Poetry Month and Maya Angelou's birthday. Angelou's life, words and activism offer a unique opportunity to show students how writing is shaped by identity and experience, and the power words can bring. These resources can help you make that introduction and inspire the poets, thinkers and activists in your school—so their words, too, can sing.

the moment

Social Justice Education and Honest History Are Crucial for All Students

Social justice education is crucial right now to develop the next generation of responsible decision-makers. This week’s resources from the Fall 2023 Learning for Justice magazine explain the importance of educating children early and in age-appropriate ways about their identities and key concepts about race. And they point out the significance of learning about honest history, in the classroom and in communities, as we reckon with the past to build a more just future.


Skye Tooley

Skye Tooley (they/them) is a trans/nonbinary, anti-bias and social justice educator in Los Angeles, California. For the last seven years, Skye has worked to recreate elementary curriculum with a social justice focus and have worked to actively engage their learners in lessons around identity, diversity, equity, action and justice. Over the past two years, they have been involved in union work in their Los Angeles community including the 2018 Los Angeles teacher strike. They have given presentations on LGBTQ+ focused topics to educators across the United States including NCTE 2019. They are a

Dr. Rania Saeb

Rania Saeb teaches in the General Education Department at West Coast University, serves as an examiner for the International Baccalaureate and occasionally supervises teacher candidates at California State University, San Marcos. She previously taught for several years at the American International School of Kuwait. She received her Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership through the Joint Doctoral Program through the University of California San Diego and California State University, San Marcos. She also holds a Masters in Comparative and International Education from Lehigh
the moment

Celebrate African and Indigenous Cultures

Reading about and celebrating African and Indigenous histories and cultures can be among the powerful first steps for children to engage with and expand their understanding of the world around them. And discussing commonalities across cultures helps children develop a strong sense of self and identity while recognizing and honoring diversity. To support these conversations and learning experiences, LFJ offers parents, caregivers and educators talking points, activities and book recommendations.