
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results

the moment

Uplift Asian American and Pacific Islander Stories

May is Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. In celebration, we’ve updated our AAPI resource page. Learn about the experiences of AAPI communities and explore their impact on the United States. We hope you’ll uplift the diverse histories, cultures, identities and stories of AAPI communities—not only in May but all year round.


The Fog Machine

This excerpt focuses on the lives of African American students during Freedom Summer. After reading Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” speech in class in 1963, students in main character C.J.'s school are asked to share their dreams at an assembly.
Susan Follett
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
June 9, 2015
the moment

Celebrate Pride With Action

As we celebrate Pride Month, supporting LGBTQ+ young people and families is essential. Inclusivity in education plays a critical role for all children, especially in the hostile environment created by discriminatory laws and censorship policies that threaten to erase LGBTQ+ identities and roll back the gains of recent years. Our resource page shares our articles and content on supporting LGBTQ+ people, including information on inclusive education practices and allyship, and provides links to external resources.

the moment

Supporting Immigrant Students and Families

Immigration has been at the front of the national conversation for years. Many immigrant children experience challenges adjusting to a new country and culture and being fully included in schools. In families without immigration documentation, the fear of family separation, arrest by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and deportation continues to cause anxiety among children and their families.