
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

606 Results


We Don’t See Racism?

Two afternoons a week, I tutor a high school junior in English and history and enjoy gleaning insights into a different school community than the one in which I work. My client Mary attends a school with a predominantly white and wealthy student population. I work mainly with students of color from families who live in poverty.
the moment

Remember Trans Women on International Women’s Day!

Amid ongoing anti-trans legislation proposals, we urge you to acknowledge, uplift and teach about transgender women on this International Women’s Day—and throughout the year. This interview with transgender activist Hazel Edwards will help you reflect on ways to create a more inclusive environment for trans students. And displaying these One World posters featuring quotes by transgender women advocates will let your transgender students know you support them.


Colorblindness: the New Racism?

Kawania Wooten’s voice tightens when she describes the struggle she’s having at the school her son attends. When his class created a timeline of civilization, Wooten saw the Greeks, the Romans and the Incas. But nothing was said about Africa, even though the class has several African American students.