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Social Justice Domain

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Being Sikh in America After 9/11

On the morning of September 11, 2001, graphic novelist and Sikh Captain America Vishavjit Singh was working in his office just north of New York City. In this illustrated feature, Singh explains how the events of that day changed his life. Warning: This article includes offensive language.

Commemorate 9/11 by Confronting Islamophobia

Last week, Teaching Tolerance ran a post from an assistant principal in Illinois. Lamenting the recent spate of anti-Islamic incidents and the rising anti-Muslim rhetoric, she wrote:I immediately wondered how to tackle this head-on as an educator. What would I say to my teachers about how to approach the subject in our history classes? How could I be a participant in a difficult conversation in which some of our Muslim students are directly affected?

The Age of Innocence in a 9/11 World

Each year, as the anniversary of 9/11 approaches, I feel a twinge of trepidation. My students don’t remember that horrible day. It’s not on their radar. I struggle with balancing wanting to honor those who lost their lives and the heroes of that day with the need to respect the innocence and hope of my students. Reconciling these conflicting emotions is always tricky.

Teaching for Change

Teaching for Change provides teachers and parents with the tools to create schools where students learn to read, write and change the world. Teaching for Change operates from the belief that schools can provide students the skills, knowledge and inspiration to be citizens and architects of a better world—or they can fortify the status quo. By drawing direct connections to real-world issues, Teaching for Change encourages teachers and students to question and rethink the world inside and outside their classrooms, build a more equitable, multicultural society and become active global citizens.