Game Changers
The 20th-anniversary issue of Teaching Tolerance does not shy away from addressing big questions in K–12 education. Are alternative teacher certifications good for U.S. schools? How can physical education classes be more inclusive? What are the real causes of the Civil War—and how should these be taught? How can white educators have classroom conversations about the n-word?
This issue is jam-packed with stories, tips and strategies for K–12 educators looking to move the needle on inclusion and cultural sensitivity in schools.
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Game Changers
New concepts of PE and sports programs are making it more fun for everyone to play.

Getting the Civil War Right
Did America’s most divisive war start over slavery or states’ rights? Too many educators get it wrong.

We ♥ Art!
Arts programs battle budget cuts and perceptions that they’re “extra” classes. But they’re the main reason many struggling students stay focused on school.

The Unaffiliated Unite
Secular students are forming clubs for mutual support—they’ll need teacher-allies.

Two Decades of Teaching Tolerance
Explore our turning points from the last 20 years.

Straight Talk About the N-Word
Sean Price's interview with Arizona State University Professor Neal A. Lester. Lester has twice taught courses on the n-word—and found there’s plenty to talk about.

Mix It Up: Taking It to the Next Level
Celebrate Mix It Up this fall by making your school’s big event better than ever.

Against the Current
Alternative certification gives educators a different route to the classroom. Does it make them fish out of water once they get there?

Fighting for Human Rights
Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights curriculum inspires students to defend human rights today.

Bully at the Blackboard
Every adult in the building needs to act when the bully is a teacher.

Teaching the Movement
We’ve rereleased the powerful documentary, "A Time for Justice," to help schools educate their students about the civil rights movement.