Teaching Tolerance Magazine

Issue 33, Spring 2008


The Dream Deferred

The Spring 2008 issue coincides with the 40th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s death. Congressman John Lewis, a civil rights legend in his own right, reflects on the man he knew, as well as the movement and the legacy of Dr. King’s ideals.

In remembrance of King’s dream—a wish that all children be judged by the content of their character—stories in this issue promote equity and understanding. From serving refugees to migrant students to children with ADHD, we explore creative ways in which school communities can welcome and nurture all students.

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Does My Town Have a Racist Past?

How students can convert the shameful history of sundown towns in the United States into a rich opportunity for setting the record straight.

Making Numbers Count

How social justice math can help students transform people, politics and communities

Peeling Back the Labels

A child's ADHD diagnosis raises one parent's concerns about the stereotypes that too often surround the disorder.


Story Corner

The Fighting Mynahs

A story from Hawaii about how it’s better to share and cooperate than to squabble and fight.