
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


Ric Doringo

Ric has 20 years experience in teaching history and social studies courses at high schools and colleges in northeast Ohio. He is especially interested in incorporating human rights into his teaching and has developed and taught a course entitled International Human Rights for many years. Follow his ideas here.

Cory Collins

Cory is an author and journalist and a former senior writer for Learning for Justice. He has experience in both the newsroom—as a former sports journalist—and the classroom, where he has provided reading intervention and tutoring for K–6 students from rural Kentucky to Charlotte, North Carolina.

Susan C. Faircloth

Susan, an enrolled member of the Coharie Tribe of North Carolina, is a professor in the Educational Leadership Department at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. Faircloth’s research interests include: Indigenous education, the education of culturally and linguistically diverse students with special educational needs, and the moral and ethical dimensions of school leadership.

Elizabeth Currin

Elizabeth is a former high school English teacher and a Ph.D. candidate in curriculum, teaching and teacher education at the University of Florida. She currently supervises pre-service teachers and teaches courses on practitioner inquiry and the history of education.