
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

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the moment

Setting Up for Success After Winter Break

Returning from winter break is a great opportunity to start fresh when it comes to classroom climate, approaches to discipline and post-break banter. In this edition of The Moment, we offer strategies on each of these topics and more.

the moment

Winter Break Self-care

We know many of you will spend winter break reflecting on your work this fall and planning for the spring. But we hope you'll take some time for yourself, as well. These TT resources offer recommendations for preventing, recognizing and addressing teacher burnout so you can bring your best self back to your students in the new year.


Rebecca Coven

Rebecca Coven is a high-school English and social studies teacher at Sullivan High School in Chicago, Illinois. She is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education and a member of the Caucus of Working Educators. Rebecca uses her work in the classroom to help her students become active and engaged citizens in their communities. She is a recipient of the 2018 Teaching Tolerance Award for Excellence in Teaching. Follow her on Twitter at @RCovs1201.