
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


The Color of Law: Winners and Losers in the Job Market

This lesson is the second lesson of the series The Color of Law: The Role of Government in Shaping Racial Inequity. In this lesson, students examine how government policies helped white people access economic benefits while preventing African Americans from accessing these same benefits.
Grade Level
Reading & Language Arts
Social Studies
Social Justice Domain
October 10, 2019
the moment

Indigenous Peoples' Day 2019

Indigenous Peoples’ Day—still observed as Columbus Day on the federal level—is October 14. These resources can help you celebrate the histories and cultures of Indigenous peoples and Native nations. We hope you’ll make space in your classroom for these important lessons this Monday and throughout the year.


The Color of Law: Creating Racially Segregated Communities

This lesson is the first lesson of the series The Color of Law: The Role of Government in Shaping Racial Inequity. In this lesson, students examine the local, state and federal policies that supported racially discriminatory practices and cultivated racially segregated housing.
Grade Level
Reading & Language Arts
Social Studies
Social Justice Domain
October 9, 2019
the moment

Mental Illness Awareness Week

This Mental Illness Awareness Week, we call on educators to see their vital role in removing stigmas that surround mental health issues, normalizing open conversations and recognizing the unique needs of students with historically marginalized identities or invisible disabilities. With these resources, we hope you and your students can take steps toward a world where—like Max at the end of our story "Washed Away"—you feel a little less alone and more prepared to face tough times alongside people who care.

the moment

Celebrate LGBTQ History Month

LGBTQ history is American history, and all of our students deserve to know that. This October, we hope you’ll join us in celebrating LGBTQ History Month. Here are a few of our favorite resources for learning and teaching about the contributions of LGBTQ people, including lessons, posters, articles and our podcast, Queer America, devoted exclusively to recovering this understudied history.