
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

3,517 Results

professional development

Teaching 'The New Jim Crow'

Teaching Tolerance teamed up with Michelle Alexander—author of The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness—to offer educators two FREE webinars exploring mass incarceration in the United States and how to teach about it.
September 23, 2014

Why I Teach: Becoming a Hero

I'm a middle school English teacher. If any of my former teachers are reading this, they will (a) be shocked I'm entrusted with our future generation, (b) question what happened to the character-education movement, or (c) ask how I made it past high school.When I was a student in middle school, life seemed to be an endless maze of getting to class on time, getting homework done on time or trying to fit in somewhere. There was the added problem of not wanting to wear my Coke bottle-thick glasses. It didn't help my self-image knowing every night I had to attach my braces to a medieval torture device known as headgear. To this day I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy those awkward middle school years of being laughed at, picked on, and socially lost.

Teach This: Current Events

Our “Teach This” discussion guides are easily adapted for in-person, asynchronous, or virtual learning. We’ll be adding new resources up until the election, so be sure to check back often or sign up for Future Voters
August 17, 2020

Why Do I Teach? I've Changed My Answer

When I was studying to be a teacher, I had to write a philosophy of education. This essay was to explain what I believed about kids and the role teachers and education played in their lives. I wrote that all kids could learn, that they all deserved equal access to inspired teaching and that my role was to meet them wherever they were and serve them in the way that best met their needs.Although I still believe those things are true, I've come to realize that my teaching is driven more by a different philosophy than the one I wrote about.