
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results

May 3, 2024

You Are Welcome Here

All of us can benefit from feeling included, safe, seen and valued. These are simple but powerful concepts, and they are foundational for learning, mental health and well-being. Showing support and solidarity, even in
the moment

Is Your Collection Complete? What The Little Mermaid Can Teach Us About Class Libraries & Curricula

As fans celebrate the announcement that the newest live-action Disney film will feature a black actor in the lead role, we are yet again reminded of the importance of representation. This summer, we hope you’ll reflect on your own practice and check out these resources to ensure all students are reflected in your classroom and curriculum.


“Your Child Will Be Placed in Level ...”

During the fourth week of school, the form came home, stuffed into my daughter’s backpack: Your student scored a XX on his/her DIBELS literacy test, administered this Fall/Summer. Based on this score, your child will be placed in Open Court Level XYZ [with] TEACHER A...

Do Your Walls Welcome All Students?

Whenever I go into an unfamiliar school, I look closely to see what the walls tell me. I’m not just looking at signage—although that is important—but everything on the walls. A school’s “cultural ecology” is mirrored on its walls. Of course, some physical features of a school come with the territory, but the important question is, “what have they done with the place?” It starts with the halls. A building that is several decades old may feature clinical tile walls, harsh fluorescents and windowless hallways. Some buildings in that age range look like prisons, with bare, gleaming walls. Others of similar vintage shimmer with colorful student art, invite the viewer to explore ideas through posted classroom projects, or offer information for upcoming games, plays, elections, charity drives or concerts.