
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

2,648 Results


An Aesthetic of Blackness: Strange and Oppositional

This text by bell hooks shares her experiences involving her upbringing, space, culture, family and more in order to reflect about her identity, community and aesthetics of Blackness. hooks also emphasizes freeing the creative spirit, supporting artistic expression and acknowledging social hierarchies, the African diaspora and cultural production.
bell hooks
Grade Level
Social Studies
Social Justice Domain
July 18, 2022

Student Mental Health Matters

Cohosted by Dr. Charles Barrett, Chair for the National Association of School Psychologists Multicultural Affairs Committee, this webinar focuses on challenges students face regarding mental health, including how those challenges can vary.

Saving the Lives of Our LGBT Students

If you are the kind of educator who builds a safe and open classroom culture and teaches with a compassionate heart, students will come to you. They will share their secrets. The culture you create in the classroom can often serve as an invitation for students to seek solace and advice outside of class. We have all faced the blessings (and burdens) of our students’ trust. A new study out of Northwestern University (where I teach) reminds us that we must be prepared for our students’ stories to come tumbling out.
the moment

Celebrate the Lives of Two Change Makers

Today we celebrate the lives and work of Rep. John Lewis and the Rev. C.T. Vivian. We’re eternally grateful for their lifelong, courageous activism. As we remember these leaders’ relentless pursuit of equality, we hope educators will join us in continuing to work for justice and liberation for all. And we hope young people will join us in holding Representative Lewis, the Rev. Vivian and other change makers as models for who we can be when we decide to make “good trouble.”


The Case of the Black Barbie Doll

Leslie, a 38-year-old social worker who counsels children with stressful life situations, found her 4-year-old daughter, Sophia, engaged in animated play with her dolls. She watched incredulously as Sophia invited the four white dolls with blonde hair to a tea party while the dark-skinned doll with black hair lay alone across the room.