
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

3,530 Results


Teaching Hard History in Grades K-5

Join Learning for Justice for a deep dive into our brand-new Teaching Hard History framework for grades K–5! Participants will learn how our elementary framework centers the stories of enslaved people to teach the history of American slavery in a way that is both age-appropriate and accessible.
January 2, 2018

Toolkit for "Teaching Hard History"

"Can Words Lead to War?" is an Inquiry Design Model (IDM), one of six sample IDMs that accompany the Teaching Hard History project. This inquiry provides students with an opportunity to explore how words affect public opinion through an examination of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel 'Uncle Tom’s Cabin.'
the moment

Teaching Dr. King's Legacy Effectively

As we reflect on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination, we know that many people teach about his legacy in the context of a purely progressive view of history—devoid of regression, repression and missed opportunities. But that simply isn't true, and we do our students a disservice when we teach this way. These resources can help you teach history in a way that encourages students to see their role in it.

the moment

The 2020 Teaching Tolerance Award

We’re now accepting nominations and applications for our biennial Award for Excellence in Teaching. Here’s how you can help us find the next award-winning educators!

A map of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi with overlaid images of key state symbols and of people in community

Learning for Justice in the South

When it comes to investing in racial justice in education, we believe that the South is the best place to start. If you’re an educator, parent or caregiver, or community member living and working in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana or Mississippi, we’ll mail you a free introductory package of our resources when you join our community and subscribe to our magazine.

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