
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

1,954 Results

the moment

Defending DACA and Busting Immigration Myths

The Trump Administration and Justice Department have continually tried to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. How does this affect your students, their families and even your colleagues? Learn more about how you can take action to defend DACA, and browse classroom resources on debunking common immigration myths.


Immigrant fathers and sons communicate on the soccer field

“Traditional sports build cultural solidarity. In rural North Carolina, Tomás, a retired semi-professional soccer player from Mexico, co-founds an organized soccer league with family and fellow Central and Latin American undocumented immigrants. The common language of the sport forges bonds among the players and across generations, helping to foster more open communication between fathers and sons, and creates mentoring relationships with other adults. Moreover, the league's frequent games promote physical and psychological resilience in a community burdened by the risk of deportation.”
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
June 27, 2019

Support of Pregnant Teens Lasts Generations

Paulina walked slowly down the hall, her gait marked by the waddle of many pregnant mothers. As she came closer, you could see her belly, slightly swollen. You felt her discomfort as she squeezed into her desk. Five months in, she hadn't seen a doctor or taken any vitamins. The baby's father wasn't in the picture. There were rumors of rape. Her parents had all but disowned her. What role should the school play in the life of a teenage mom? How can we help?