"Immigrant and Refugee Children: A Guide for Educators and School Support Staff" (originally published by the American Federation of Teachers [AFT] and its partners) offers an overview of how adults who work in schools can—as individuals and as members of a community—can advocate for and protect undocumented students and families and unaccompanied minors.
This toolkit offers additional resources that can help classroom teachers make schools more welcoming places. The resources are broken into three categories: (1) classroom culture/school climate; (2) curriculum; and (3) resources for students and families.
Essential Questions
- What supports do undocumented and unaccompanied minor students need to thrive in school?
- How can I change my practice to better empower, protect and advocate for undocumented and unaccompanied minor students?
Classroom Culture and School Climate
Dreamers Welcome poster
Download this colorful poster and hang it for all to see. Let your students know everyone belongs in your school community.
Share My Lesson: Immigration Collection
This collection of resources can help educate the entire school community about immigration and help create inclusive school communities that address the social, emotional and health needs of students.
Colorín Colorado
This website, tailored specifically for educators and families of English language learners, has a special page devoted to post-election resources that can support educators in their efforts to answer questions and reassure students. The page includes links to resources that encourage conversations about: current events, election results and student concerns. It also includes a more general list of recommended resources.
American Federation of Teachers: Immigration ICE Raids
This page articulates the AFT’s position and offers several model resources schools can use to publically call for immigration reform. It also includes links to sites where educators can file complaints with the Office of Civil Rights and learn more about how schools must uphold the rights of their immigrant students.
NEA Safe Zones Sample Board Resolution and School Board Resolution FAQs
Use these documents as templates or guidance to create a resolution in your own district.
Share My Lesson: Teach Immigration
This collection of Pre-K-12 lessons encourages informed classroom discussions and deep learning about this multi-faceted issue. Teach Immigration also publishes an informative blog.
Resources for Students and Families
Know Your Rights: Information for Students and Families
This AFT handout spells out detailed advice educators can share with families who want to be prepared in case of an ICE raid. Materials are published in English and Spanish.
American Civil Liberties Union: Immigrants’ Rights
A multilayered page full of detailed information and Know Your Rights resources.