When it comes to presenting a full account of American experience, your average U.S. history or social studies textbook just isn’t cutting it. Stories about people of color and Indigenous peoples are often set outside the main narrative, literally pushed to margins or sidebars. But some social studies teachers are turning to an unusual source to re-center these histories: young readers’ editions of social justice books. Learn more about how educators are using this growing genre in this issue’s cover story, “The New YA.”
Read on for a look at why this year’s census is so crucial, how a group of Las Vegas moms is fighting hate in their school community, and how advocates are working to fix our broken school lunch system. Find these stories and more in the Spring 2020 issue of Teaching Tolerance, and be sure to subscribe so you never miss an issue.
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The New YA

The Census Counts

Why Lunch Shaming Persists

Teaching America’s Interwoven Histories

Let's Talk About It!

They Deserve Better

Responding to Hate and Bias in the West

The New YA

Ending Curriculum Violence

How Culturally Responsive Lessons Teach Critical Thinking