
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


Fueled by Doubt

Educators need to recognize the doubts that students carry, this former elementary teacher says. But in doing so, educators should emphasize to students that doubt can lead to learning and growth.

Discovering My Identity

In this lesson, students will describe aspects of their identities such as race, gender, ability, religion and more. Then after exploring Marley Dias' Black Girls Books campaign, students will analyze book illustrations and write their own book review noting how characters are similar and different from them.
Grade Level
Reading & Language Arts
Social Justice Domain
October 6, 2016

George Cassutto

George is an award-winning teacher and author. The child of Holocaust survivors, he began teaching in 1983 to tell his family’s story and increase acceptance and understanding among young people. Cassutto was an innovator in bringing the internet to the K-12 classroom during the 1990s. He has since published The Internet Pocket Guide for Teachers, Civics Lesson Plans and US History Lesson Plans for new, overworked and out-of-subject-area teachers.
student task
Do Something

Voting in Your Town

Students use online resources to analyze current voter registration and turnout rates in their state and local community. They also explore potential roadblocks to the voting process (e.g., felon disenfranchisement and voter fraud).
Grade Level
October 3, 2016

Jessica Kobe

While attending school full-time, Jessica teaches undergraduate classes and facilitates pre-service teachers' field-experience work in local public schools. She frequently presents at conferences and is conducting an ongoing research project with a high school social studies teacher. Kobe is also a teacher consultant for the Red Clay Writing Project (a local branch of the National Writing Project).