
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results

the moment

Women’s Equality Day

Despite the diverse coalition of activists who fought for its passage, the 19th Amendment didn’t bring voting equality to all women. Women’s Equality Day offers an opportunity to correct the record and explore how a whitewashed version of history is sustained and supported to this day. These resources can help you encourage students to think critically about this important anniversary, celebrate steps toward justice and recognize the injustices we still need to fight.

the moment

Women’s Rights Are at Risk Now—Not Just Historically

The struggle for equality and justice for all women is not relegated to history; it is the lived experience of women today in the United States and around the world. Our newest resource page, published in recognition of Women’s History Month, offers a variety of articles, texts and other resources to help discuss and uplift both the history of and the ongoing struggle for women’s equality.

Celebrate Women’s History Month by making a commitment to discuss, teach and learn about women’s rights and history, past and present, all year long.


Women’s Equality: One Step Closer

This week, another barrier to women’s equality fell. The tony Augusta National Golf Club, home to the Masters Tournament, extended membership to two women, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and South Carolina financier Darla Moore. Club Chairman Billy Payne declared it “a joyous occasion,” yet I don’t feel the urge to jump for joy.

Women’s Suffrage

This lesson is the fourth in a series called Expanding Voting Rights. The overall goal of the series is for students to explore the complicated history of voting rights in the United States. Two characteristics of that history stand out: First, in fits and starts, more and more Americans have gained the right to vote. Second, over time, the federal government's role in securing these rights has expanded considerably.
Grade Level
Reading & Language Arts
Social Studies
Social Justice Domain
February 10, 2014