
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


1961: The Freedom Riders

The Freedom Riders looked to invoke federal action and gain national attention as they traveled on interstate bus lines across the South seeking service at white-only waiting rooms and lunch counters.
Merrill Perlman
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
July 7, 2014

2015-17 Teaching Tolerance Advisory Board

Teaching Tolerance couldn’t serve educators the way we do without the feedback and support of an important group of teachers, counselors, media specialists, school- and district-level administrators and education professors: the Teaching Tolerance Advisory Board. These educators and leaders volunteer their time to review our resources, try our curriculum and act as ambassadors for TT. Dale Allender – Assistant professor of education, Sacramento, California Lhisa Almashy – High school ESL teacher, Palm Beach County, Florida Kim Estelle – Elementary school teacher, Huntsville, Alabama Carrie

2019-2021 Learning for Justice Advisory Board

Learning for Justice depends on the feedback and support of an important group of teachers, school counselors and psychologists, librarians, school- and district-level administrators and education professors: the Learning for Justice Advisory Board. These educators and leaders volunteer their time to review our resources, try our curriculum and act as ambassadors for our work. Our 2019-2021 Advisory Board is a group of 31 educators who represent a range of grade levels, regions and voices. They demonstrate incredible commitment to social justice in their classrooms and communities, and we’re
the moment

The 2020 Teaching Tolerance Award

We’re now accepting nominations and applications for our biennial Award for Excellence in Teaching. Here’s how you can help us find the next award-winning educators!

the moment

The 2020 Uprisings One Year Later

May 25 marks one year since the murder of George Floyd, which sparked a pivotal groundswell of activism across the country. As we honor him and all those who have died at the hands of police, we must not waver in our fight against racism and police violence. It’s important that we all center the lived experiences of students and educators of color and support young activists who stand up against racial injustice. These resources help to critically examine anti-racist practices and provide tools to support youth leadership.