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Social Justice Domain

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the moment

May Is Mental Health Awareness Month

In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, we're sharing resources for destigmatizing conversations about this critical topic. We hope you'll read, share and use them to make your classroom, school and district safe and inclusive for all students.

the moment

Revisiting National Poetry Month 2018

April is National Poetry Month! In this edition of The Moment, we offer three poems to delight, inspire and encourage you and your students. To browse more student-friendly poetry, visit Perspectives Texts (under the Classroom Resources menu) and search for the word "poem."

the moment

September Is National Suicide Prevention Month

As National Suicide Prevention Month draws to a close, we want to offer one more reminder: This year, especially, it’s critical to encourage students and colleagues to talk about mental health and reach out for support when it’s needed. We hope these resources help.

the moment

Honoring Women's History

Happy Women's History Month! Women around the world are—and have been—at the forefront of campaigns for human rights and environmental justice. In this edition of The Moment, you'll find resources for teaching about women's leadership and contributions all year.