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Social Justice Domain

142 Results

professional development

Religious Holidays

If you want to include religious holidays as part of classroom inquiry, it is important to plan for them. Keep the following guidelines in mind.
Professional Development Topic
July 16, 2009
the moment

The December Holidays

Many schools enjoy celebrating a non-religious “holiday season” but clearly favor Christmas in their traditions and decor. Moreover, important non-Christian holidays that don't occur in December are often overlooked completely. These resources can help your school community become more inclusive by reflecting on how and when holidays show up in your hallways, assemblies and classrooms.

the moment

Rethinking Winter Holidays

Many schools enjoy celebrating a non-religious "holiday season" but clearly favor Christmas in their traditions and decor. Moreover, important non-Christian holidays that don't occur in December are often overlooked completely. This edition of The Moment offers resources that can help your school community become more inclusive by reflecting on how and when holidays show up in your hallways, assemblies and classrooms.


Balancing the Holidays in Your Classroom

Each year at this time, teachers are faced with a dilemma: How to balance the holidays to create the most inclusive environment? As Hanukkah comes to a close and Christmas approaches, many teachers will decorate with candy canes, glittered Christmas trees and construction-papered dreidels. But there are more holidays being celebrated this month.
the moment

Inclusive Holidays in the Classroom

It’s common for teachers and schools to turn to holiday-themed worksheets and projects at this time of year. But for some students, these are not inclusive of their cultures, identities and traditions. Here are some LFJ resources that offer ways to find balance in your curriculum and facilitate classroom discussions around inclusion while respecting religious and non-religious differences.


Something Yule Want To Do At The Holidays

I once had an elementary school teacher who tried a multicultural approach to the holiday season. She told my class about Hanukkah, which she described as being a kind of “Jewish Christmas.” This fascinated us until we discovered that the gift-giving aspect of Hanukkah was spread out over several days. As fans of Santa Claus, we couldn’t help thinking that Jewish kids must have it tough.
the moment

Including All Students During the December Holidays

The December holidays can present challenges for educators who want to provide a festive—but also equitable—classroom environment. These resources can help you acknowledge the season without alienating students based on their faith or family income.