
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

556 Results


Who, Me? A Scientist?

In this lesson, students get in touch with their “inner scientists,” first by viewing a video of a 4-year-old solving a complex problem and then by working together to explain a discrepant event. Students also consider attributes shared by many scientists: curiosity, perseverance and the ability to problem-solve.
Grade Level
Reading & Language Arts
Social Studies
Math & Technology
Science & Health
Social Justice Domain
April 18, 2016

Fun and Fitness in a Library Parking Lot

Line dance leader Kit Cheung teaches her class of Chinese-American women in an unlikely place: the parking lot of a local library. No other public location offers both the outdoor space and sun cover the group requires for their twist on the traditional Chinese exercise of tai chi. The relationship that forms between the initially reluctant library and Kit’s dance group has created some unexpected opportunities.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Grade Level
Social Studies
Social Justice Domain
June 26, 2019

Gawking, Gaping, Staring

In this personal narrative, Clare explores multiple facets of the self and questions why gender is still discussed as a binary. He acknowledges the tortured lives that many have lived as a result of their gender ambiguity and declares that all those who "gawk," "gape," and "stare" at those who are different never get it right.
Eli Clare
Grade Level
July 14, 2014

Jackie Brown

Jackie Brown has worked in high poverty elementary schools in the United States and abroad for twenty-eight years. Her career has taken her to Northern Ireland, Northern India and both Tribal and Public Schools in Washington State. She is dedicated to increasing awareness among educators, administrators and lawmakers about the effects of childhood trauma on brain development and on a student's ability to learn. Through yoga, mindfulness and love, Jackie has helped build resiliency in both herself and her students. When not teaching, Jackie spends her time backpacking, rebel rousing, cooking