
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

363 Results


Thank You Primary School Teachers

My 4-year-old daughter Sophia was confused. She looked to me for an answer. “Greyson's not black,” she said. “Her skin is brown.” This was the first time I had heard my daughter bring up the issue of race or skin color.

Glenda Armand

Glenda Armand is a middle school librarian who taught elementary and middle school for many years. Her approach to teaching and to writing has been to recognize the uniqueness of her students and readers while celebrating our similarities, our shared humanity. This teaches tolerance. It also teaches acceptance, kindness, and sympathy. Ms. Armand believes that those characteristics are found in the message of Martin Luther King’s famous speech. Ms. Armand’s story-poem, The Night Before the Dream, combines her fondness for writing in rhyme with her embrace of that message which is still relevant

Students Rally for Change, Peace

All over the nation people strive to answer Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous invocation: “What are you doing for others?” Many engage in projects to make their community a better place to live. My students at Life Academy in California have answered the call to service in several ways. First, they showed up on campus during a school holiday to beautify the school grounds, paint a mural, clean out an old storage room, build benches and tend to a garden. Second, they launched a 74-day fast “Season of Peace Building.” Students signed up to fast on certain days, in a kind of relay, to highlight the time from MLK day to Cesar Chavez day.


This essay places side by side the historical oppression of African Americans in the South and the recent surge of African Americans moving back to the South of their own free will. In her discussion, Maya Angelou questions why such choices are considered remarkable.
Maya Angelou
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
July 2, 2014