
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results

the moment

Learn About and Advocate for Education and a More Inclusive Society

Do you believe in strengthening our democracy? Do you support a more inclusive society? In responding to book bans, educational censorship and attempts at excluding some communities from public school spaces, Learning for Justice’s magazine and publications offer guidance and inspiration on critical issues in education.

the moment

Freedom To Read, Freedom To Learn

May 3 is the Freedom To Learn National Day of Action, a day of advocacy for inclusive education and young people’s freedom to read, learn and build a just future. Our collective responsibility is to counter disinformation, uplift honest history and engage our communities to serve all children.

May 3, 2024

You Are Welcome Here

All of us can benefit from feeling included, safe, seen and valued. These are simple but powerful concepts, and they are foundational for learning, mental health and well-being. Showing support and solidarity, even in
the moment

Centering Black Girls in School Safety

School hardening policies—such as the presence of police and security, metal detectors, and harsh discipline codes—contribute to a criminalization culture in schools and students being pushed out of classrooms and into the school-to-prison pipeline. For Black girls, this criminalization culture causes serious additional harms.