
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

2,549 Results

the moment

Celebrating Arab American Heritage Month

During April, we uplift Arab American Heritage Month. These resources will help educators celebrate Arab identity, counter negative stereotypes, teach about Arab history and cultures, and ensure an inclusive environment that supports Arab American students this month and throughout the year.

the moment

Black Lives Matter

International protests in response to the recent killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Sean Reed, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and Tony McDade show the vast reach and profound importance of the Black Lives Matter movement. These resources can help you talk with students about the historical context and mission behind Black Lives Matter and work toward making your school a more affirming, safer space for Black students.


Black Political Thought

Episode 14, Season 4 Black political ideologies in the early 20th century evolved against a backdrop of derogatory stereotypes and racial terrorism. Starting with Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Agency
March 31, 2022

Out With Pizza, In With Veggies, Black Beans

Something was different at the school cafeteria. The menu included a vegetarian meal of elbow macaroni with cheddar cheese and broccoli. There was also a choice of a 100-percent-beef burger (without pink slime!) on a whole-grain bun. And there was ginger-carrot soup, whole-grain breads, leafy green salads, black beans and shredded cheese.
the moment

Black Students Matter

Last week, a 7-year-old black boy came home from school with a realistic-looking gunshot wound painted on his forehead—by his drama teacher. The image understandably alarmed his mother. And it reminds us of the harm educators inflict when they insist they "don't see race." We hope you'll read and share these recommendations for protecting, respecting and celebrating the identities of your black students.


An Aesthetic of Blackness: Strange and Oppositional

This text by bell hooks shares her experiences involving her upbringing, space, culture, family and more in order to reflect about her identity, community and aesthetics of Blackness. hooks also emphasizes freeing the creative spirit, supporting artistic expression and acknowledging social hierarchies, the African diaspora and cultural production.
bell hooks
Grade Level
Social Studies
Social Justice Domain
July 18, 2022