
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

56 Results


Cesar Chavez Monument Means More for Students

As a child I asked my father whether there was someone like Martin Luther King Jr. who had fought for Latino rights. “Yes,” he said, and told me that his name was César Chávez. My father, a former farmworker who had toiled in the agricultural fields from childhood until adulthood, taught me about César Chávez, Dolores Huerta and the farmworker struggle.

“We Lived in a Bubble”

Elizabeth MacQueen is the sculptor of Four Spirits, a monument built to memorialize the four girls killed in the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church. In her memoir, she discusses how the project revealed to her how sheltered she had been as a child growing up in Birmingham.
Elizabeth MacQueen
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
November 18, 2014
the moment

Teaching the Truth About Confederate History

Did you know that, in seven states, April is officially designated as Confederate History Month? Or that Confederate monuments can be found from Portland, Oregon, to the Bronx in New York? These resources can help you teach the real history behind the "Lost Cause" and public monuments in its honor—and explore how communities are challenging this false narrative.