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the moment

When Students Are in Crisis

One year after March for Our Lives, we still mourn the young people lost to gun violence and to the trauma that is its legacy. If you're concerned that your school isn't equipped to support students in crisis, the resources in this edition of The Moment suggest ways to change that—starting today.


Holly Lebowitz Rossi

Holly Lebowitz Rossi is a freelance writer and editor who has covered religion, health and yoga for more than two decades. She is co-author of the forthcoming book The Yoga Effect: A Proven Practice for Depression and Anxiety. She lives in Arlington, Massachusetts, with her husband and 8-year-old son.
the moment

Supporting Student Action for Social Justice

Recent headlines point to all kinds of student action, from tackling climate change to advocating for more equitable schools. But those of us who work with students know they're doing what young people have always done: leading the way toward necessary change. In this edition of The Moment, we offer resources to help you support your students when they stand up against injustice, fight for equity and take the lead in shaping a better future for all of us.


Sarah-SoonLing Blackburn

Sarah-SoonLing Blackburn, Ed.D., is Learning for Justice’s associate director for learning in schools. Sarah has experience teaching at both the secondary and elementary levels and in 2011 was named Teacher of the Year at Lakeside Upper Elementary School in Lake Village, Arkansas. As a teacher educator, her areas of focus have included classroom culture, learning environments, and diversity, equity and inclusiveness. Sarah has an M.A. in Social Justice and Education from University College London’s Institute of Education and her doctorate from Johns Hopkins University. She is based out of