
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

115 Results


Reconsider Columbus Day

Teachers have the power to change the practice of celebrating Columbus to a practice of celebrating indigenous peoples’ presence, endurance and accomplishments. This blogger suggests how to do just that.

The Skin I'm In (Chapter 4)

Maleeka gets made fun of at school about her clothes, her grades, even the color of her skin. In this chapter, one of her teachers, with white blotches on her face, shows how she's been able to accept the skin she's in.
Sharon Flake
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
July 3, 2014

Sarah Webb

Sarah L. Webb is currently a Ph.D. student in English education with interests in digital media, race and gender. She is also the founder of, where she hosts an international poetry contest for youth and adults. Sarah has previously taught English language arts and college composition courses and has been a youth mentor for several years. In addition to teaching, she’s worked as a freelance writer and a digital media manager for local news and TV stations. The guiding mission of Sarah’s work is to help young people recognize and employ their agency through multiple

Joi Miner

Joi Miner has been writing for as long as she can remember, but began her career as a spoken word artist. After making it to the finals in the Turner South “My South Speaks” competition, she appeared in a commercial and won slams at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival and the Green Mill in Chicago. Miner has four poetry collections under her belt: Graffitied Gypsy (2003), Fun House Mirrors (2005), Socioanthropologicfeminisms (2010) and Outrun The Night (2012). (Hear her read “ The Day I Swam Into a New World,” Teaching Tolerance’s first-ever audio Story Corner.)A domestic violence and sexual