
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

2,551 Results

the moment

Advocating for Honest History Education

Parent and caregiver advocacy is crucial as children’s right to inclusive learning and honest history education is being limited in some states and communities. While the media often highlights the vocal efforts of a few politically motivated parents’ groups to censor teaching and to exclude some children and families from representation, we know that most parents and caregivers support fair and inclusive education practices that protect the learning and well-being of all children.

the moment

Affirming Black Lives Without Inducing Trauma

This week, we were disappointed to see wide circulation of the videos showing Ahmaud Arbery's and Sean Reed's shooting deaths. Educators have a responsibility to engage with students about this violence against Black men—and the white supremacist systems that allow it to continue. But they must do so without re-traumatizing Black students and with extra care for their mental health. These resources can help.

the moment

To Counter Racism and Queerphobia, Provide Space for Black LGBTQ People

As real people with real experiences who have shaped and will continue to shape U.S. culture and society, Black LGBTQ people are not political wedge issues. The insidious combination of racism and queerphobia can seriously affect the mental health of our LGBTQ youth of color, especially amid the political attacks on human rights through efforts to control bodily autonomy including reproductive rights and identity. Beyond celebrations of Pride Month and Juneteenth, we must all work to provide space for Black LGBTQ people.