
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

2,549 Results


Getting More Black Men into the Classroom

Walter Sherrill made chemistry cool. He was the sort of refined man who seemed to glide across a room. His voice never rose above a quiet tone, and he wore a mostly stern expression on a peaceful countenance as he explained scientific equations. I cherished the rare times he smiled—or on occasion—chuckled at the ludicrous conclusions of his high school students.

Civil Rights History Project: Mary Jenkins

Mary Jenkins describes growing up in the Jim Crow era and frequently being told, “You can’t”—both by a mother terrified of what might happen to her daughter if she stepped out of her expected place, and by a system that had institutionalized segregation as a way of life.
Mary Jenkins and Will Griffin
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
February 25, 2019
the moment

Celebrate Disability Pride Month

Celebrate Disability Pride Month by supporting and advocating for students with disabilities. These resources include real-life examples to model accessible learning environments for all students. Center the perspectives of people with disabilities to build students' understanding of the Americans with Disabilities Act. You can also print and display this beautiful poster with a quote by educator, activist and poet Kay Ulanday Barrett.