
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

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the moment

Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action 2019

Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action is February 4-8! In this edition of The Moment, learn more about how you can join social justice educators from Philadelphia to Seattle in affirming and centering black lives in your classroom, school and beyond.

the moment

Black Students Matter

Last week, a 7-year-old black boy came home from school with a realistic-looking gunshot wound painted on his forehead—by his drama teacher. The image understandably alarmed his mother. And it reminds us of the harm educators inflict when they insist they "don't see race." We hope you'll read and share these recommendations for protecting, respecting and celebrating the identities of your black students.


Race Matters

Adam Liptak details a recent affirmative action case before the U.S. Supreme Court. He also looks at affirmative action's history, the debates around the policy and considers possible effects of the Court's ruling.
Adam Liptak
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
July 7, 2014

“We Lived in a Bubble”

Elizabeth MacQueen is the sculptor of Four Spirits, a monument built to memorialize the four girls killed in the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church. In her memoir, she discusses how the project revealed to her how sheltered she had been as a child growing up in Birmingham.
Elizabeth MacQueen
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
November 18, 2014
the moment

Affirming Black Lives Without Inducing Trauma

This week, we were disappointed to see wide circulation of the videos showing Ahmaud Arbery's and Sean Reed's shooting deaths. Educators have a responsibility to engage with students about this violence against Black men—and the white supremacist systems that allow it to continue. But they must do so without re-traumatizing Black students and with extra care for their mental health. These resources can help.