
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

363 Results

the moment

Teaching the Life and Legacy of MLK

Schools across the country are preparing to celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The resources in this edition of The Moment will help you teach beyond the simplified story and help your students learn about this civil rights leader's life and legacy.


Showing Our Best on MLK Day

In classrooms all over the country, posters hang on walls bearing the face of Martin Luther King, Jr. Libraries put out displays of books about his life. Bulletin boards are decorated with phrases from famous speeches. Many will remain up throughout the school year, not just for the federal observance of King’s birthday on Monday.

The 45 Days of Black History

This webinar will prepare educators to use the approximately 45 days between the King holiday and the end of February to engage all students in recognizing and understanding how Black Americans have moved United States and world history forward. Join Learning for Justice as we share practices and strategies for celebrating the contributions of African Americans, whether they are household names or unsung heroes.
the moment

Remember the March on Washington

As we remember the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom of 1963, it’s critical not to whitewash this history. Contextualize the campaign and the struggle associated with it, including the impact of the march’s organizer, Bayard Rustin—an openly gay Black man. That also includes complicating the event’s most iconic figure, Dr. Martin Luther King, and his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. These resources can help.

the moment

Teach MLK in Connection With the Attack on the U.S. Capitol

The same day a Black man and a Jewish man were voted into the U.S. Senate, a mob toting Confederate and Nazi flags attacked the U.S. Capitol. As you teach about Martin Luther King Jr. ahead of his birthday observation, acknowledge the link between the racism he resisted and the violence we witnessed at the Capitol. These resources will help foster related discussions within the context of U.S. history.