Quarter 4: Action

Grade Level
Essential Question
  • K-2:
  • How can I be kind to all people?
  • What can I do to make things fair?
  • How do I speak up when I see people treated unfairly?
  • 3-5:
  • When will I stand up for others?
  • Why is it scary to speak up sometimes?
  • What can one person do to create a safe, welcoming place for all?
  • Why is it important for me to stand up for others and myself?
  • 6-8:
  • How can I encourage others to stand for justice?
  • How can we create a fair and just community?
  • What happens when we speak up to bigotry and what happens when we do not?
  • Why do we feel empathy for others when they are mistreated?
  • Should individuals stand up for what’s right even when it puts them at risk?
Student Tasks
Plan Built By
Illustration of person holding and looking at laptop.

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