
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results

the moment

Addressing Trauma and Loss Due to Coronavirus

As we mourn the deaths of educators due to coronavirus here in Montgomery, Alabama, we are also lifting up school communities throughout the country who are dealing with losses of their own. These resources can help you recognize and address this trauma with your students and yourself.

the moment

Addressing Anti-Asian Bias

Amid the pandemic, Asian American people continue to experience racism, violence and harassment. These resources can help you teach the historical precedents for this moment, introduce ways for students to recognize and speak up against coronavirus racism, and start conversations with even the youngest learners about recognizing and acting to address injustice.


Addressing Poverty Bias in the Classroom

My nana is laughing as she tells me one of her favorite childhood stories. As her cheeks lift into a smile, I can see the teenager who boldly told her teacher that threats to visit Nana’s parents about her behavior are ineffective. “You see,” she said, “they don’t speak any English.”

Addressing Bullying from the Inside Out

Middle school teachers struggle to find ways to respond to bullying, teasing, name-calling and exclusionary practices among students. We tread lightly sometimes, afraid of saying the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time thus making conditions worse for a bullied student. Being heavy-handed almost never works. Students also know how to say the right thing to adults and then act in a completely contrary way towards peers.

An Address to the Slaves of the United States of America

Henry Highland Garnet was an African-American abolitionist, minister, educator and newspaper editor. Garnet delivered “An Address to the Slaves of the United States of America” at the National Negro Convention in Buffalo, N.Y., on Aug. 16, 1843.
Henry Highland Garnet
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
July 2, 2014

Adrienne van der Valk

Adrienne van der Valk began her career in social work, advocating for homeless and runaway youth and survivors of sexual violence. Her graduate studies led her to political science and journalism, and she has been using her editorial skills in a variety of social justice settings ever since. She served as deputy director for Teaching Tolerance for many years before moving on to become the communications director for the Center for Genetics and Society. She holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Grinnell College and master’s degrees in political science and magazine journalism from the

Advertisement by Clarissa Reed

This advertisement, published in the Southwestern Christian Advocate in 1883, was included in the "Lost Friends" section of the newspaper. Advertisements like this were published after emancipation by African Americans seeking their relatives. Families of enslaved people were often separated during enslavement. In this advertisement, Clarissa Reed seeks her relatives.
Clarissa Reed
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
September 4, 2018