
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

2,101 Results


Learning for Justice Staff

We are the staff of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Learning for Justice program. We are committed to teaching and learning together in community to foster the practice of democracy for the greater good of our communities in the South and our nation.
the moment

Disability Is Diversity: Focus on Creating Inclusive Environments

“Disability is the way other people don’t accommodate you or respond to you.”
—Ashley Dalton, Southern Poverty Law Center

Changing the learning environment to be more inclusive—instead of a focus on changing the learner—creates opportunities for accessible education practices that benefit all young people. These LFJ magazine articles explain how, for children to thrive in more inclusive learning environments, social justice and equity movements must include intersecting identities and disability rights.

the moment

Creating Supportive and Affirming School Environments

As an onslaught of anti-LGBTQ efforts—particularly targeting trans and nonbinary youth—continues at the start of the new school year, it’s imperative for educators, parents and caregivers to help young people understand that justice requires an appreciation for the value of identity and diversity among individuals, and that there are actions to take to ensure equity. These LFJ resources can help foster such understanding.