
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

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Black History Month: Celebrating the Diversity of Black Identity

Racial oppression plays a significant part in American history, and it’s critical our students learn about it. But this February, we're encouraging educators to reflect on their own practice and ensure that the Black history they’re teaching—this month and year-round—isn’t limited to narratives of trauma. To support that learning, this week we’ll be sharing some of our favorite resources for celebrating the diversity of Black history, identity and experience.


Toolkit for Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression

“Introducing Gender: Girls, Boys and More!” is a K-2 lesson from Gender Spectrum originally published in The Gender Inclusive School: concrete strategies for creating a safer and more accepting school climate for all students. The lesson offers a set of activities that prompt students to think about what they like (favorite colors, toys, activities) as individual preferences—not due to them being a boy or girl.